Diversity of Ideas
Equity in Representation
Inclusion of ALL Stakeholders
Building Trust
Why Me?
As a candidate for County Commissioner, I am committed to bringing intelligent and courageous leadership to our community. My experience in leadership, communications, infrastructure, governance, and public service has prepared me to tackle the challenges facing our county. I am deeply concerned about the economic disparity in our county. After 20 years of the same idea, over 50% of our residents earn less than $40,000 per year, 20% of the county live in poverty, and "about" 400 are homeless. The median household wage has increased 60% over the last twenty years while the price of the average good and service has increased by 95%, energy 150%, and housing 160% leaving our working families at risk. It is time for a new representation that prioritizes the needs of the disenfranchised with DIVERSE BOLD NEW IDEAS, EQUITY OF REPRESENTATION, and INCLUSION OF ALL STAKEHOLDERS. Join me in my quest for a new Benton County.